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College Entrance Tests

College Entrance Exams
No one really wants to spend four hours in a chair filling in bubbles, but with a little preparation and a few hours of standardized testing, your options for college may increase. The tests are one measure of your academic knowledge and college readiness which is used to evaluate your college applications.  

The PSAT given at SVHS each fall and will give you an idea of how you'll do on the actual SAT. The PLAN is not currently available at SVHS, but there is a practice test for the ACT. Use the results of the practice tests to develop a test-prep plan and test strategy. Colleges will not see the results of practice tests, but you can gauge where your scores might qualify you for admission. Top-scoring juniors on the PSAT may be eligible for National Merit Scholarship recognition and scholarships.


  • PSAT Testing - You will receive a note from the office telling you to meet at your assigned location which is in the Pavilion. NO LATER THAN 7:45 A.M.. The PSAT Exam will begin at 8:00 A.M. sharp! Please also remember to bring 2 or 3 number 2 pencils, one pen and a calculator. You may also want to bring a small snack for the morning. You will need photo I.D. to get in and either your Student body Card or Drivers License will do. Get a good night's sleep.

Most 4-year colleges require either the SAT or ACT, although there are some that don't, so check the requirements for each school carefully. Regardless, it is recommended you take the tests to keep your options open and to be considered for college class placement. Many schools require the essay portion of the SAT or ACT, we recommend you take the essay so you don't have to take it again should you decide to apply to a college that requires the essay.  All UCs require the essay portion. For current test dates and to sign up for the SAT go to College Board. For the ACT, inquire at The ACT Test. You can retake the tests as often as they are offered, but statistically, scores do not improve much after 3 attempts, and they can decrease. Consider which test might better suit your learning and testing style.


8 to be Great:  Quick Test Tips & Strategies

  1. Gather your gear the night before: admission ticket, photo ID, #2 pencils, water, calculator with fresh batteries (SAT only), a watch and snacks for breaks.
  2. Forget cramming and just enjoy a healthy dinner and a good night's sleep.
  3. Dress in comfortable layers so you can handle the temperature, whatever it is.
  4. Be familiar with directions to the test center and arrive early.
  5. Don't spend too much time on any one question as they all count the same; come back to the question later if you have time.
  6. Make an educated guess if you can eliminate more than one answer. ALWAYS guess on the ACT because there is no penalty for wrong answers.
  7. Fill in bubbles carefully making sure that you mark the answers next to the right numbers.
  8. Relax and be confident as your attitude will make all the difference.

